Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Origin and the Process of Discovery” p:20 AyinBase / Ayin

Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 28 Iyar 5773

Page 20 (chuf). At 2nd line of the page – (line begins: '...') For text, click: Here.

In everything there is 'what' it is and 'that' it is...

Significance and value does not explain, 'why' something is there.

Take a table for example. It is certainly a convenience. But what is it in the human being that demands that he has convenience, and allows the human being to relate to its essential quality beyond its convenience.

This is the malchus element in the person. Everything has to be 'perfectly suited', because he has a truth presence – this is malchus/royalty in the human being.

This is the essence or mehus. And due to this mehus all the other faculties follow.

As things become revealed, even though each level assumes a new form and orientation, the origin of everything, the essential origin, follows through the entire process / seder hishtalshalus. This is an important principle to realize. The Rambam says the basis of knowledge is to 'know there is a First Being' from which all originates...

Even though we use sechel and have a process of discovery, things are still rooted in their origin.

Things 'make sense' because of their 'essence'/'ratzon'/'will' element. Anything that we know, not by personal experience, but by recognition of the truth is from this level.

Despite the fact that we have untold abilities and dexterity, yet we cannot do anything at all without being related to the 'essential human being'. Everything we do is a reflection of what is happening at the level of binah/mind. A horse walks because he has legs. A man walks because he knows what he is doing.

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