Sunday, May 26, 2013

“What You Read; What's Written” p:23

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 17 Sivan 5773 

Page 23 (chuf bet). 4 lines from the top of the page – (line begins: 'ukmoshekatuv...') For text, click: Here.

We are talking about chomer pashut (simple material) and the revelations that come from it. One revelation is the tzurah atzmis (essential form).

One example is when the letters are engraved in the stone, another is when the word is written on the parchment.

We think that the letters are added to and written on the parchment. But the Rebbe explains that the letters are revelations from the parchment.

A revelation that comes by means of the ink that conceals part of the parchment, means that the revelation is not like the essence itself. But still the revelation is still from the parchment itself and not from the ink.

The letter on the parchment is not a different entity from the essence (it is not a mehus acher).

The Gemara says the home is central to the human being. It is not that it just serves a functional role... In what way is a person's home his? The home is not to be viewed as just providing certain comforts. What makes it a home? The house is made into a person's home because he owns or rents it.

In what way is it his place?

During the time that he owns it there is a fundamental relationship. We see the world as a Godly creation, given to the human being. It is God that gives him the right to own and rent a place...

So his relationship to the house has a Godly truth to it. It is not a convention.

The human being too is a real presence in the world.

And when a man steps into his home, his presence is everywhere in the home, no matter how big it is. This is what we call ohr atzmi – essential light. Light from the essence. All the furnishings represent that this is a human home – this is called giluim – revelations.

The verse says, 'fill the earth and conquer it' – 'being there' is filling it and 'conquering' is bringing the human element, and revealing the human element.

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