Friday, June 28, 2013

“General and Specific Delight” p: 29

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 20 Tammuz 5773

Photo: Batya David, Israel
Page 29 (chuf tet). At 3rd line of the page – (line begins: 'ke-ahsher...') For text, click: Here.

We have seen that the delight that is experienced in any faculty is derived from the very delight of the soul/nefesh. But it comes in a limited form to that faculty.

The tynug/delight itself is above any specific faculty.

So the fact that it comes to be imbued in a specific faculty indicates a limitation.

The delight becomes redefined according to each faculty.

Why not just say the delight at the specific level is a new creation, and not part of the overall element of delight? To answer this we looked at the metaphor of the home and the way all the specific furnishings and activities relate to the overall spirit of the home and are not separate creations.

The hand can make an infinite number of movements, and there is a specific delight in each movement.

Tynug/delight is totally beyond definition. This is the error of the secular world – failure to relate to delight – and so they relate only to a defined cause, where everything pushes other things. We say there is a real source, real life, and real delight/ענוג.

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