Thursday, August 29, 2013

“Three Knocks; Pillar of Light” p: 33

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 23 Elul 5773 

Page 33 (לג). About 10 lines from end of the page – (line begins: 'acharim...') For text, click: Here.

When the mind arouses the emotions and there are resulting actions, then the actions and the emotions relate to what is immediately above them.

So a finite cause is relating to each level.

But we know that the truth is that in everything there is the delight/oneg of the soul, no matter how removed the faculty is from the source. So really everything is reflective of the soul delight itself.

And this is not just to facilitate the action. It is in order that the action have a delight and life of its own. And for this it has to go through the process of seder hishtalshalus (the 'download protocol').

Mitzvah's bypass this process. We do things directly. He said and we do. It is a pillar of light.

And Torah comes from chochmah/wisdom. This means that mitzvahs are higher than Torah.

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