Tuesday, October 8, 2013

“I Am For Real” p: 37-38

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 4 Mar Cheshvan 5774

Page 37 (לז)

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It is written that, 'you are children of God'. Just as a son is sourced in the essence of the mind (moach) of the father, so too the souls are rooted in the essence of the supernal wisdom.

The difference between souls and angels is known. Souls are resulting from a union of zaa and malchus – sphirot at the midot (emotion) level – a physical union. And the angels result from an intellectual union – a spiritual union – expressed by kissing.

It would seem that a spiritual union would be higher than a physical union, yet we know that souls are superior to angels...!

The transfer of the essence is via physical union, specifically. The spiritual union is only an external hashpah...

The moach (physical brain) receives vitatlity from the soul. It senses 'there is reality, and I am for real'. It senses there is a First Being.

The moach is then able to provide the reality of what the master is teaching. And he gives sechel (mind) not moach (physical brain). Till the student is able to see it the same way as the teacher. The student verifies it through his own life element and says, 'yes, this is how it is...'

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