Friday, October 11, 2013

“Smart Idiots” p: 38

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 7 Cheshvan 5774 

Page 38 (לח)

At about middle the page – (line begins: 'ofen tziur...') For text, click: Here.

We react to colors in a meaningful way since they are reflective of certain aspects of our soul. Only 'smart idiots' reduce everything to worldly cause and effect.

You have a living intellect.

When the faculty of mind (koach hamaskil) is more clearly defined it affects how it is expressed. The world is real to us due to it being perceived in our sechel/mind.

Light gives a perspective of an unbounded reality. Thus if one has a sense of this, one can delve into it limitlessly...

If his reality is only that which he can touch, then if the discussion moves beyond the tangible he is at a loss.

Yet there is a limit since it is drawn and revealed from the essence.

The sky speak to you. You see the colors and shapes. A mindful person (bar sechel) lives in that reality.

We sense the background reality. And that's what makes it real.

There is something 'there' and there is something 'worth knowing'. Chochmah/wisdom denotes that which is 'worth knowing'.

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