Wednesday, November 27, 2013

“More Than Meets The Eye” p:45

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 24 Kislev 5774

Page 45 מה

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The world can be created only from a reflection/ha-arah, and not from the essence of the light.

Word, by definition, represents something that is coming into being, and is not of a primary state. Thus in the world there is multiplicity. The world does not include the entire reality, but all the elements together represent something real.

In order to make the world there had to be an external reflection of the essential light...

This means the world does not have an inherent reality. The inner light is concealed. The world alludes to essence.

The essential light does not lend itself to be represented on a worldly level. The essential light would eliminate 'world' since it does not recognize that darkness exists.

After the contraction of the essential light, there remained a point that is called a trace – an allusion to the thing... and this point includes within it all light that will be revealed in the entire creation.

We don't limit ourselves. We don't say we just have what we can see by functional light. Vision and tangibility are not the same.

We say we see not with our physical eyes, but with our souls. The physical sight alludes to the reality which is a soul reality.

The soul knows only what is real. It knows only Godliness. It does not relate to the world. Then it goes through a contraction and is dressed into the body.

In chochmah/wisdom, which is the light as it relates to the faculties, there is a trace that remains of the light as it is unto itself. This is emunah/faith. Emunah is the soul itself, in a contracted way that allows for the chochmah/wisdom.

This emunah/faith, does not vary. It is steadfast. It is concealed from the body. But it remains. The body receives its vitality through chochmah/wisdom, which draws from emunah.

Emunah is an allusion to pure soul, but only an allusion.

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