Thursday, January 23, 2014

“Body & Soul; What is Life?” p:50

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 22 Shevat 5774 

Page 49

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The Rebbe has been explaining the difference between Souls and Torah; and everything else in creation.

The souls are true. Davar emitit. A true thing. Something that stands on its own.

And the souls are able to receive essential lights. They can handle it. In essence they can relate to them.

Souls are called 'living'.

Life cannot be grasped. Sechel/mind, cannot define what it is. Those who insist everything can be defined in worldly terms, give life a meaningless description. They focus on functionality.

This element of basing all on the functional element is divorced from real life...

A human being is pure life in a body. It is beyond function. It is a reality.

What do we perceive of life. If you cut your finger it will heal. It heals seamlessly. As if it knows exactly what it has to look like. The fingerprints are unique. The healing will leave the fingerprints intact. This is to say, while the finger was cut, this element was not damaged. We perceive that life never ends. The soul leaves the body eventually, but life does not dissipate...

Where is the soul when it leaves the body?

And where is the soul when it is 'in' the body?

Where does it flow from? It is a Godly presence. When it is in the body or out of the body it is essentially in the same place.

This it the meaning of life. There is no criteria for its existence.

The definition of world is the exact opposite of this. It is all about function.

Torah is not a functional element. You don't have the laws of the Torah, since you need administration of the world – no, it is a thing of truth.

On the contrary, the reason you an ox goring a cow is because it exists in Torah...

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