Thursday, January 9, 2014

“What About Darkness?” p:49

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 8 Shevat 5774 

Page 49

At about 12 lines from the top of the page – (line begins: "kuli...”) For text, click: Here.

We are saying that the world and the whole process of creation is an aspect of ha-arah/reflection. As opposed to essence with a true presence.

The souls, although it is from the union of male and female, which is called a material union, (and we usually say the spiritual is higher than the physical), but yet these souls have an inner and essential reality.

To describe 'essential' in a worldly context is not possible. It goes back all the way back to His fundamental reality that is beyond our explanation.

In some ways darkness is more representative of essence than light...!

Representative of something that does not have a source. The First Being.

He was alone, and then He provided for all creations. This is not manifested in spiritual union, since it has a definable presence, but it is manifest in physical union. The physical union is based on the fact that they both come from the essence and that is why a new soul can result...

Essence is the element that 'could not, not be'. In the tangible world there is nothing that has this quality. Sechel/mind can be aroused by external entities, but then there is an essential sechel that is not involved with any external elements.

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