Sunday, February 16, 2014

“Something That's Not A Thing” p:54

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday16 Adar I, 5774 

Page 54

At about a few lines above the middle of page – (line begins: "gum ken...”) For text, click: Here.

We have been talking of 'blessings' – a blessing does not create a new entity. It's role is to bypasses obstacles and brings things down from the source.

It brings from the concealed world to the revealed world.

Our metaphors for concealed/briyah and revealed/yetzirah are thought and speech.

Both of which are rooted in the soul.

Thought is the source for speech. But the speech is not there on a 'quiet' level – it precedes being felt. And it cannot be revealed the way it is in thought. Thought is not sensed externally.

Speech works only if there is a common platform – a common language.

Thought... is drawn from the soul and cannot be revealed externally. A common platform is needed for sharing – this is in physicality – first comes the sounds/words and then the light/meaning is dressed in them...

The reason we cannot know what a person thinks is because thought does not exist on an external level.

The letters of thought are very fine. They are intangible. They cannot be known externally. And only these fine letters are capable of sensing the light of the soul. They are so refined they do not block the light of the soul.

They are 'spiritual letters'.

All comes from Godliness. That is the only source. Godliness is presence. Presence that cannot possibly be know. A presence that can be know, becomes a presence at the moment where it becomes known... Something that has no beginning cannot be known. Godliness does not have worldly parameters – it did not 'come into being'.

The letters of thought are representative of the first being that comes to be and thus don't have the attributes of a physical 'thing'... they are just there, not known by contrast...

This is like 'the provider for a presence, without yet being a presence...'

there is a true First Being, that is not preceded by non being... and there is no way for us to conceptualize.

This is a Being that is not dependent on presence. It is not measured by tangibility.

So there is a primary true 'nothing' that proceeds all something...

Is the beginning of everything is being or not being? The primary truth is yes. Yes being. A being that is not an identifiable presence...!

The world is just a creation. Something that He voluntarily made. It is there because He wants it to be there. Know that there is a Creator who set a purpose for the world, and without this the world is a non-entity.

So back to 'chomer harishon' – it is the first material that does not have any form. The basis for its being is not any kind of specific message or form. It is representative of the fact that His nothingness (ein ve effes) is a true presence...

We can look at the world and see that the reason it seems so real is due to its limitation...

The Greek philosophers, went this deep and are quoted in the Zohar, since they asked, 'what makes me see this?' and they realized there are things beyond what I see that are more true... 'How do I identify that which I cannot see? That I will call 'chomer harishon' – first material'.

This is to sense what our soul thinks about (vs what the body deals with), where things are not known by contrast. We have soul faculties that are superior to those of our intellect.

This is what gives vitality. This is what we employ in understanding the truth – Torah and Judaism...

The primary material is perplexing and is called tohu...

Thought is a window into the soul. It is not an action like speech. Thought is continuous. This is the way the soul makes itself known to the body.

This class has been to explain the difference between a higher and a lower world – between thought and speech...

A blessing/bracha draws from a concealed state, that is not in a state of existence.

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