Thursday, February 20, 2014

“The Greatest Accomplishment” p:54 - 55

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 20 Adar I, 5774 

Page 54

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We are looking at the principle of bracha/blessing. And from there we discussed the concealed and the revealed worlds...

Concealed means invisible in its essence. The concealed world is 'not yet' a world. And the metaphor for these two worlds are thought and speech.

The beginning of creation is in the world of briah – this is the first presence...

What do we mean by the First Being, who was not preceded by anything...? He is not a being the consists of an identifiable presence. This called ein ve efes ha muchlat – absolute nothingness – He does not have to justify His presence – He is there by virtue of His own truth. There is no way we can conceptualize of this...

Our conception is limited to discovery – things that you come to conceptualize of at a certain point... limited to definitions...

He is beyond our conception.

What is the significance of Him being absolute nothingness? That He cannot, not be. So His being is not limited to positive/defined presence.

This indicates that Godliness is an absolute truth and beyond what we can conceptualize and not conceptualize. 'Does God exist?' is an invalid question. Behind you own doubt is your knowledge that He exists. You cannot conceptualize of Him not existing...

In the human soul, there is the principle of truth, that allows us to think of this: when we walk a path, we are walking on the entire earth, because you sense reality. Wherever we stand, we are on the entire globe.

And yet, he does walk from place to place... and he does that as a specific person in a physical reality. 

So we have 3 levels. 1. is where the whole reality is everywhere at the same time – there is only one point at this level. Then from this one point comes a spread, and lastly an array of multiple places...

Something new (hischadshut) – is the change from the truth of nothingness into presence...

The world is a Godly creation. It did not develop in some random sequential manner. The world only appears to be worldly. The reality is Godly. And a constant miracle of existence... there is no worldly justification for the world to exit...!

And that's why we can stand at a wall and say we are standing before God. The world does not obstruct, the world is Godly. This is the significance of this learning.

The greatest accomplishment is when the truth the truth of the hidden world is recognized in the revealed world...

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