Sunday, February 9, 2014

“Why Not, 'Him, Himself?'” p:52-53

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 9 Adar I, 5774 

Page 52

At the middle of the top paragraph – (line begins: "she-haya...”) For text, click: Here.

In tohu, each thing has its own place and there is no central reference. In tikun there 'is a point'. There is a basis – yesod.

Within tikun there are levels. It comes via sechel. There is revelation of sechel/mind. This is yesod of abba.

It comes a spark. A flash of insight, coming after great concentration. But this is just a reflection of the essence...

Noach (Noah) by contast revealed the essence. A flow from essence.

He had a flow that was categorically different from what had preceded him. He indicates a new beginning. The previous generations are like refuse by contrast.

Haman, the wicked, wanted to climb the 'corporate ladder'. And he was making progress. The king asked him, how should I show honor to one I wish to honor? And Haman answered, 'make him king'. And this was Haman's downfall. No-one can wear a royal crown except for the king. The lights of essence are revealed by Israel. But God Himself is concealed.

We don't take mizvot from the world. We receive them from Him. We remain associated with the source. There is nothing we possess on our own. On the other hand we possess everything, if we are recipients.

At the next paragraph of the page: Abraham was told, “Go unto you... (lech lecha)”. It should have just said, leave your land...

This is based on the difference between souls and angels. Angels are the result of spiritual union... which is only external. It is base on 'reflection' and not essence.

The souls by contrast are from the bodily union. That is an aspect of inner – internal transmission – two entities are joined on an essential level. This is possible only by the inner and essential aspect of ein sof...

It is out of place to say, 'what was God doing before He made the world?'

But we are human and we ask the question.

We can't comprehend a reality that is totally self fulfilling.

And then He made the world. He made something that represents Him. This is not a chess game. He puts Himself into it.

The souls can bring into the world the sense that, “Yes, there is a Godly presence in the world, an absolute truth...” beyond goodness and kindness, and we in the world can talk of eternity, although world and infinity are poles apart...

Although the angels say, 'Holy! Holy! Holy!” yet the Zohar says the angels cannot say it by themselves, they can only accompany the statement of Isreal...

Baruch/blessed, the angels can say... just as Israel says it...

Why is this the case?

And further the Zohar brings that in the case of 'blessing' the angels seem to have an advantage...

It is known that 'blessing' is the drawing of something from concealment into revelation.

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