Monday, March 31, 2014

“An Essential Truth” p:57

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Monday 29 Adar II, 5774 

Page 57

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We are discussing ratzon/will. It is the initiator for every function of the human being. In ratzon it is at the level of initiation and the sechel to follow is not really yet understood, on the other hand he 'more than understands it'.

The earth is like the ratzon for the entire world. For all plants and growth. Contrary to the scientific view where the plant draws its life from the earth, Torah says the earth provides for the plant.

What does speaking, walking, etc have to do with the life of the soul? We relate to walking and talking, but how are they soul activities? The soul is enclothed in a body with a mission. It is there in an active state.

The soul wants to bring Godly life to everything.

The will/ratzon reveals what the soul is all about. And what is it about? It is about everything. Everything is the souls business. And when it comes to the functioning level it is simply a matter of bringing it from the hidden to the revealed, not creating it afresh...

sechel/mind brings out the essential reality to a practical level.

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