Tuesday, March 4, 2014

“Get It Down Here” p:55

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 2 Adar II, 5774 

Page 55

At lower third of page – (line begins: "ahavah veyirah...”) For text, click: Here.

There is the light of the sun. And then there is the light of the sun, within the sun. infinity. Yet both are called or/light. Then there is the sun itself. It is in a different category. It provides not just for light to see everything, it is everything. Binah brings out that everything is Godliness/elokus, that's what midos/emotions are – the love and awe of God...

There was a question from one of the guys. He asked about the source. What is the difference between the source and what it supports...? Is it just a structural relationship, like the floor rests on the beams...? The Rambam says, the basis of knowledge is to know there is a 'Source of all sources...' this means, 'things are there before they are there...!' Mind/sechel provides for emotions, and thus they have a certain fundamental presence... they thus get an element of 'they should be there...'

This is the insight of sechel/mind, which it has because the soul/nefesh is that truth.

So makor/source – and ulimately the earth is suspended in nothing – 'it is where it has to be'. Where He wants it to be. That is the source.

Binah is a close source, and chochmah is a distant source. Both relate to the reality.

Thus we say, “you don't train children, you teach them. Training is taking them away from their 'center of gravity', away from their sechel...”

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