Friday, March 28, 2014

“Sensitivity to Light” p:57

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 25 Adar II, 5774 

Page 57

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We are talking about how the inner light comes from the wider surrounding light.

The real depth of chochmah/wisdom, is not 'what it understands', but rather knowing that, 'there is a truth'.

The rav/master senses the level of the student. And he senses not what he knows, but what he is capable of relating to, even if he isn't there yet. He senses his sensitivity to light...

The surrounding light enables the inner light.

Animals do not have this structure of inner and surrounding aspects. Yet they also 'know things'. In truth they don't know things, the just know the effect of things. There is no real knowledge there. Human beings have intellect and the ability to know reality.

The makif/surrounding level exists only due to the truth that there is a provision by the Original Owner of the world. It is not something I aquire by my effort. So there is a level to the surrounding light that will neve become pnimi/inner.

Ratzon/will is the whole enthusiasm of the person. Yet it is a makif/surrounding element, and it is hidden. The essence of novelty is from ratzon/will. A person has ratzon/will without understanding where it comes from – so for him it is novel. It is a novel presence. Ratzon is reflective of the truth of the nefesh/soul.

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