Friday, April 11, 2014

“Hidden Unto Itself; into Revelation” p:58

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel  

11 Nissan, 5774

Page 58

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We are saying that in the light that precedes the contraction there are 2 levels. A lower level where it entered into His will to emanate worlds. And then there is a higher level that is 'unto itself'.

And these 2 levels constitute the origin for the later levels of 'surrounding all worlds' and 'filling all worlds'.

So it can be said the light that is before the contraction also comprise the 2 levels of helem/hidden and gilui/revelation.

Think of a human being – he is a real Godly creation (not just reactive to circumstances). And he has these levels. The man as he is unto himself, already possesses the principle of a home. And then there is the human being at the level prior to the identificaton of the phenomenon of a home.

In Him, Himself (be-atzmut ein sof) [as opposed to the level of light/ohr] there is no relation to the distinction between revealed and concealed. He is beyond presence and absence and does not originate anywhere, and thus there is no inherent content...

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