Thursday, June 19, 2014

“Future Reality” p:64

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 21 Sivan, 5774 

Page 64

At about a third from top of the page – (line begins, “shezeh...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

There is a difference between world and Godliness. The world is a compelling presence. And Godliness can be ignored/avoided.

This is like sight and touch. You cannot avoid feeling what you touch. On the other hand sight is the easiest to avoid and eliminate from awareness.

Godliness is above spirituality and above world. It is known only to the highest and finest faculties. It is knowing without contact – similar to sight.

Godliness in contrast to everything else is not defined by its presence. It is a 'must be'.

Godliness cannot, not be. It is beyond any reason for being. It is beyond proof.

Kisses, relate to sechel/mind. It relates to the 'must be' level of reality.

Real sechel/mind deals with the undeniable reality. Not things proven in the physical level, but the reality that precedes that.

Wisdom/chochmah has such nullity that it can see the truth from the Creator's perspective. It looks not for proof in the created realm.

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