Sunday, July 6, 2014

“Beyond Any Obstacles; Synesthesia” p: 67 - 68

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 8 Tammuz, 5774 

Page 67

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The Exodus from Egypt was a separation – taking us out of slavery – but it was in a manner of katnus/smallness – ie it was an initial stage.

The gadlus/mature phase was the giving of Torah...

The first stage is just a sighting of the goal, but the mature phase is a pure identification (not in contrast to something else) and beyond any obstacles...! It is beyond contrast. It is an identification beyond anything else.

So at the giving of Torah, there was a certain 'offering of the Torah' to other nations, but it was just to give them contact so that they too will later be elevated by the nation of Israel.

And then God gave the Torah to Israel, 'face to face'. This has an implies an actual observation of the reality itself. As the verse says, 'the whole nation sees the pronouncements'. They see that which is normally heard...

So if it is heard what is the value of 'seeing' that which is normally heard...?

The principle of seeing is different from touch. The perception in touch is based on negative effect – like in a dark room, you bump up against things... things force themselves on you... Sight is different. It does not force itself on you, yet its effect is more profound than touch...

The reason is that touch involves the external parameters of things, but sight relates to the truth of the object. It involves not just 'the fact that it is there, but 'why' it is there...' It is like God showing things to us. This is observation from a truth basis, rather than from a factual level...

sight is the reality itself, and not 'proving' something. Sight is a soul quality.

This is the mature connection between God and Israel – sighting – 'face to face'.

And thus to focus in on the Source is a uniquely Jewish ability... and there is no way to explain it. The souls are connected only to that Truth...

And Israel is seeking God. And won't take any substitute. Nothing else will satisfy.

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