Thursday, July 3, 2014

“Chosen; Nutcracker” p: 67

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 5 Tammuz, 5774 

Page 67

At the 2nd paragraph of the page – (line begins, “vehinay...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

Souls are rooted in the essence. This is the reason God chose Israel specifically. Essence is not an aspect that can be understood, or identified, or exported! 

It is what it is. Souls are rooted there and thats what they identify with.

This is why God chooses them. Israel stands for the absolute Godly reality.

As the medrash says, 'God made many things, but one He chose for Himself. He made 7 days and chose Shabbat. He made many lands and identified Israel. He made many nations and selected Israel. You are a holy nation and you God chose to be the nation of His inhiretance'.

Because you are a holy nation – rooted in the holiness of essence, thus He chose you.

Holy/kadosh means 'removed'. This means there are different ways to relate to things. One way is 'getting the experience of something' and another is relating to the significance and truth of this thing, and not 'how it feels'.

Even in the time of exile.

Down into the depth of impurity God comes to crack the shell and pull them out.

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