Thursday, July 31, 2014

“Essential Time Piece” p: 71

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 4 Menachem Av, 5774 

Page 71

At the 7th line of the page – (line begins, “bebichinat...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

We have learned some deep principles.

We need to review them. We have been explaining that we had a question that angels are an external union. The world appears to be devoid of life.

All seems to be reactive and just attempting to protect itself from danger. But this is a false and stupid view. Torah and the souls of Israel bring life into the world.

If it was just up to the angels it would be a world of externalities without an inner element.

The souls of Israel and Torah bring life to the world.

We used the example of the clock on the wall – they are 2 unrelated items. It doesn't take much insight to hang the clock on the wall. But there is a life to the clock on the wall. It has a meaning. If the clock stops or falls a new one will be brought and hung in its place. Life demands it. This is an inner element. It is invulnerable. The soul cannot be killed no matter what you do.

The Rebbe explains, the inner always goes along with the external levels since the distinction between the two is actually higher than both of them. It has been identified originally by essence. There is no way to discuss essence. The souls of Israel can sense something of it...

The pikach/sage/open minded goes beyond 'what's in this for me?' He listens to his soul and not what the practical world is saying. He says, 'I pick the king'. He says, 'that's reality, what's the point of everything else?' This is the principle of essence – the principle reality.

This is about reality itself. Not functional reality. And this is where the difference between inner and outer is made.

And the souls of Israel can make this distinction in this world.

They can say, 'נעשה ונשמע’.

Who identifies the inner level? Souls. Only souls can identify it. Souls take things from the essention – 'must be' - level.

When a soul looks at the world it sees Godliness. It sees the intent. The Godly purpose. The cat never sees the clock on the wall. The human being sees the purpose – the life - the truth element of it.

Man is not here to 'get by' and survive. He's not here for the sake of his experiences. He is here to do something – he's on a mission – to affect the world.

God passed by the higher and lower worlds and chose none, but Israel His nation. This is not due to any quality, but due to their essence.

This is a dwelling place below – since the essential choice above is here below.

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