Thursday, July 17, 2014

“Exclusive Pleasure” p: 69

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 19 Tammuz, 5774 

Page 69

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Here's a very subtle point. Try to have it touch your sechel/mind...

He's not compelled in any way. He's not captured by anything. Nothing can attach itself to essence and cause it to deviate. Yet still the choice in exclusively in this way... and it has to be this way...

He is choosing to have pleasure in this. Because this is the essence of his pleasure/tynug and yet it is called choice and not compulsion.

Think of light and dark. He is not compelled in either. They are equal to Him.

Yet, He would choose light over darkness.

To our mind light is closer to Godliness than darkness.

Choice is an expression saying, 'this is better than that'.

Israel has special soul qualities. And there are good soul qualities among the gentiles. Righteous gentiles have done phenomenal things... and they have a 'place in the world to come' – a place in eternity.

Nevertheless, the thing about receiving the Torah, was not just accepting all the mitzvoth – it was the statement of 'na-aseh ve nishmah' – which means, 'what we do here has nothing to do with this world – we will do it because you tell us to do it'.

The Jewish people say, 'the presence of the world represents one thing – that there is God in the heavens. The world does not stand alone. There is one truth and one reality. Take that away and you have nothing.'

This is like the host at a meal where you are a guest. If there is no host, you have nothing.

He's beyond being present and not present. But he chooses to be present, because light is rooted in the inner aspect of pleasure (pnimiut ha tynug).

Choice has to do with value, not function. As a result of being His presence becomes known. It is circular logic, but meaningful despite its circularity.

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