Sunday, July 27, 2014

“Exposed Bricks” p: 70

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 29 Tammuz, 5774 

Page 70

about a third from top of the page – (line begins, “kuli...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

We have been looking at bechirah/choice. The identity of that which is chosen is by virtue of the choice! This is hard to grasp. He chooses to want His inner will (pnimiut ratzono).

This is different from the level of human choice.

If a father has a celebration for his son's wedding, he is engaged by the event. He cannot disengage from it. This is him. It is different above. What is the inner intent? That itself is a decision. He is not bound in any way. There was light and dark and He is above both of them. He chose light. He did not have to choose this.

To want that which is His inner will is also a decision.

He chose to show Himself as creator and to reveal Himself. Yes, He made the world. The world has no presence, but for the fact that He chooses it. He gives it a presence since He is there with it.

The Essence chooses to be present with the world and that 'makes the world a world'. This is like the host and the guest. If the host leaves the event is over. A dinner is a dinner only in the presence of the host.

This is what we mean that He chooses Israel and Torah. And in any inner reality there is what shows itself on the outside and also excess...

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