Tuesday, July 1, 2014

“Future Kiss” p: 66-67

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 3 Tammuz, 5774 

Page 66

At about lower quarter of the page – (line begins, “bechinat hagilui...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

We are looking at 'kisses' and why souls desire them when in fact they have the essence and the kisses are a reflection.

The answer is that the kisses are a reflection from a higher place and they provide more than the essence of a lower place.

And in the time to come, there will be revelation of essence... so why are the kisses still desired at that time? To explain this the Rebbe brings something from Zohar. He explains there is the revealed and the hidden. He states that even in the future time the sphirah of malchus will be superior and it will gain from a unity with the revealed...

The kisses of the future is essence of pleasure as it is in the concealed wisdom.

Step out of the worldly structure. In the world you are are aware of things due to the efect they have, the benefits they provide. So when we say, 'there is a soul'... you think of a new stage. Essential pleasure (tynug atzmi) indicates representation of the Creator himself, without any created element. So there is no form to it – there is no element of 'what it is about'.

Lower there is how this pleasure (described above) is gazed upon by chochmah/wisdom. Still chochah has an advantage – there is the element of revelation – 'you know what it is'.

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