Sunday, July 13, 2014

“I Wanna Be Up; Know You Are Alive” p: 68

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 15 Tammuz, 5774 

Page 68

At the 11th line of the page – (line begins, “ukenodah...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

The Jewish people are chosen, since they are sourced in the essence...

there are concealed and revealed elements to the knot that binds God, Israel and Torah.

The concealed level cannot be grasped.

The principle of 'concealed' is that there is an absolute level of truth that is not based on any functional level at all – 'no thought can grasp Him at all'.

The concealed level has no beginning and no end and is thus not defined and cannot be grasped by thought.

God, Torah and Israel are not present circumstantially. You may think, 'Oh, here's the world, so there must be a Creator'. But that is upside down. He precedes the world. He's not based on the existence of the world.

Can a person sleep through a life time... if nothing peaks his curiosity and all his needs are satisfied...? He cannot sleep. His soul is calling... the principle of Godly truth not simply 'not to be bothered and to be content'. The principle of essence/atzmi is automatically everywhere and transformative... this essential element cannot be grasped by the mind/sechel, but wisdom/chochmah can relate to the pure truth that has no beginning...

The point: this is emunah/faith that is beyond chochmah/wisdom – it is a solid reality in the soul of man. It is full of light and absolutely solid.

It is completely within itself, yet constantly emanating messages! A paradox. What are the messages? This is like the sun being an essential illuminator, and the fact that it sends light to the world is not an active function.

Or like the way a man occupies his entire home... even if he expands the home, he is automatically there...

This is called סתימ/'sosim'/concealed. It is not conscious, yet is is active... It is going on without any activity, due to the essential truth of it... and in that level are Torah and Israel. It is based not on activity, but essential reality.

This is why it is impossible to sleep for a life time... the soul has an essential active nature...

We know things that are beyond world, such as Godliness and Torah...

There is a truth in Torah, in Jews and in their connection to God and it is beyond any description or benefit.

This is like love. A man loves his children and he actively pursues this love. He choses to do what must be done. And it is not a rejection of anything else – it is for its own sake.

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