Wednesday, July 23, 2014

“Inner Celebration” p: 69

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 25 Tammuz, 5774 

Page 69

8th line from the end of the page – (line begins, “rotzeh...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

We are describing the way when one makes a celebration for his son's wedding – there is an essential joy/will. It is an inner element that is not identifiable externally. It is a joy that is inherent in his essence. This is the difference between the inner and outer elements.

You may even think that it is a self celebration of 'look what I accomplished'. But that is not what we are talking about. There is an inner, essential union between the father and son. This is not pride.

Avraham was told his sons would have abundance and also suffer bondage...

There is a depth and truth in us that is Godly and knows no time and space. This depth is manifest in a son. He is separate. They can have differences. But there is an inner union. The distinction is made on an inner level.

And this is a metaphor for the way the choice is above.

At the wedding celebration, the father wants all participants to enjoy the celebration.

There is an 'overflow' of celebration.

If you think of something that is essential, it is not due to any external arousal. That reality knows no bounds. So the whole world is rejoicing with him, but this is not the essence.

Yet there is a complete distinction between the inner oneg/pleasure with his inner circle, in contrast to the outer circle and the external level of pleasure, where there is the will that all should have delight.

So even during the 'all inclusive' celebration there remains a difference in how the father perceives participants – even at the height of the all inclusive celebration.

And this is a metaphor for the distinction all the way above at the source level. This is like the center of gravity – the whole object is held up, there is a center. Yes, there is a broader effect, yet there remains a center and inherent difference.

And here's a short audio clarifying something from yesterday's class:

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