Thursday, August 14, 2014

“Jump!” p: 72(2)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 18 Menachem Av, 5774 

Page 72(2)

At about 10 lines from the end of the page (line begins, “dafkah...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

We are looking at the soul in the body.
Body and soul have no commonality.

There is no way the soul on its own would seek to relate to the body. But it is there, in the body in the full sense, and not as a stranger. It relates to the body. How?!

God blew into man's body the soul of life.

This is not the usual way life is brought to a creation.

This blowing has to do with coming from an inner source – from the depths of Godliness.

This blowing is like a 'jump' – bypassing the usual 'procedural approach'.

This is accomplished with a special soul force... from the depths...

A jump means you are viewing the scene from a higher perspective. This is the principle of 'He blew with great force and from within'.

Like a team. In order to win they need a coach. They need inspiration.

Or as the gemara says, 'He jumped across the Jordan River'. And his study partner said to him, 'your strength is appropriate for Torah'. Indicating a spiritual strength. This is chayalut – 'accomplishment by spirit' – 'soul warrior'.

This is like the chassidim dancing for hours on end. Elderly chassidim. This was not physical strength. They were carried by their spirit...

This is the strength we are describing, by which the soul is 'propelled' into the body...

When one is inspired to get to where he has to be, then the inspiration bypasses the process of getting there...

This is the main difference between a gibor/valiant person and one who is weak.  The gibor can bring forth the power that is in the essence.  The spirit behind the faculty.  And thus nothing is too hard for him...

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