Tuesday, September 30, 2014

“Always Sky” p: 72(9)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 6 Tishrei, 5774 

Page 72(9)
At 4th line of the page (line begins, “yesh bo...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

We discussed the principle of inner mentorship (hashpah pnimiut).  It needs to come with intent.  The student needs to be addressed for it to be effective. 
This is because what is given is not the information, but the essence of the topic…
This is what touches the student’s essence.

And there is a difference if the student can see his teacher or not at the time of instruction…  this indicates that the influence is from the essence.
The soul enlivens the body.  And the body feels that it is alive, not just that it has life.
And this is indicated in the matter of Adam Kadmon – original man.  A contradiction of terms… Adam/man is a creation and before his creation he did no exist.   Yet original…  which goes against the concept of a new creation.  A new creation is by necessity not original/pristine.  
Adam/man is continually drawing from the infinity, into his practical life.   He draws from his highest faculties down into his mundane actions.   Every step he takes is inspired.
We can’t see the truth, because it has not form.  And wisdom/chochmah relates to this truth.   There is a conceptualization before actualization.   He knows the world because he conceptualizes it, not because he experiences it.  Animals do not begin from conceptualization, but from experience.   Chochmah connects heaven and earth.

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