Tuesday, September 2, 2014

“Nothing Too Far; The Sky is Yours” p: 72(5)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 7 Elul, 5774 

Page 72(5)

At 6th line from the end of the page (line begins, “le-achar...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

The light of the sun is like the sun. But the clouds can obscure the light and the heat pierces through the clouds while 'the light does not shine'.

The principle: sunlight is not light, it is the sun. This is like the host and the guest. There may be a big meal served, but the host's presence is the essential factor. And the host remains himself.

The guest and the host have a 'person to person' relationship, while each remains a separate individual. In what sense are they together. The human reality is such that it encompasses the entire surrounding.

This is like the sun. Unless there is cloud cover it is everywhere. Nothing is too far from the sun. So too man. He has an essential presence, not a functional presence.

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