Sunday, September 14, 2014

“Pick The King” p: 72(7)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 19 Elul, 5774 

Page 72(7)

At 7th line of the page (line begins, “al kein...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

We are looking at how light emanates from essence.

To understand of this we looked at the way the soul is a creation, but it emanated from essence, and the way the sun is an essence, but gives off light…

Essence does not lend itself to be understood.  It is fundamental and thus sechel/mind cannot grasp it…

But the dilemma of how anything comes from essence is not really addressed by the previous discussion about the nefesh/soul and the sun.

The principle of the dilemma is due to the incomparable difference between essence and everything else…  it is fully beyond any presence…  Essence is not in the realm of ‘something’ at all.

The essence is equally distant from physical and spiritual realms. 

Essence is a non presence.  The fact that essence creates world is by action.  Nothing occurs just because essence is there.  As said in Genesis, ‘In the beginning He created…’

There is nothing compelling in the soul to give life.

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