Sunday, September 7, 2014

“Soul Says To The Body” p: 72(5)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 12 Elul, 5774 

Page 72(6)

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There is nothing in the essence that compels it to have light/ohr. So you could say that the light element is peripheral to the essence. Yet still it is correct to refer to the light as tzurah atzmi (essential form).

This is beyond understanding. Beyond understanding in terms of structure, but understanding in terms of 'truth' reaches to it.

The Rambam says, the first principle is to know that there is a First Being. Is there a non being prior to this? Is so He's not first. He is the start of all.

Truth is that which you cannot imagine 'not being'. Sechel/mind is an emanation, and thus cannot understand the truth. Truth is beyond sechel/mind. There is an element of truth is sechel. This is chochmah/wisdom, which also cannot be discussed and described in words.

The Rebbe is saying that 'something' from essence is a wonder. But light coming from essence, you might not think of as wondrous since light is not really a 'thing'. But the Rebbe is saying it is as much of a wonder that light comes from essence as other 'stuff'.

So the question is how does light come from the essence? We know that first is the First Being, but how does light come...?

Think of a home and a clock on the wall. Does the clock sense its purpose? No. The human element is due to his presence, nothing is emanating. A person looks at things, and with the proper thoughts he brings holiness to what he gazes upon. This birur/purification is real. A coarseness is removed and spiritual quality is presence. But it doesn't bring 'life'. This purification is above the lower level of life.

What does the soul tell the body? The message it brings, 'you should know that there are things that are completely beyond physicality. I am giving you life and with that, you will have a sense of those things that are totally beyond you...' Soul is principally Godliness, above 'life'.

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