Thursday, November 27, 2014

“Cars & Birds” p:72(14)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 5 Kislev 5775 

Page 72(14)

At 5th line from end of the page – (line begins: 'gan eiden...') For text see below.

We have to try to sense how 'knowing Godliness the way it is dressed in vessels', allows us to know, not the vessel, but Godliness itself...!

Cars were not created because the work mechanically, but rather due to the human spirit. And once a car is designed and built it retains that human spirit...

It is important that one not lose sight of the spirit that created the car (or any other object)...

So even though light can be reduced to fit to a vessel, it must always be sensed. When a bird slides on a rooftop it is just that, not intellect, it is like a man driving in circles... its might be an 'experience', but it lacks real 'life'.

In the world there are 4 types of creation – inanimate, plant life, animal life, human life.

At each level there is a Godly element.

And this is sechel/mind: to see things from the 'meaning' perspective...

This is the difference between a Godly creation, and a dead meaningless world, to which you attribute a will to 'survive'.

Every leaf is unique. Each is a slightly different manifestation of the Godly light...

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