Thursday, November 13, 2014

“Soul Mentor” p:72(13)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 20 Cheshvan 5775 

Page 72(13)

At about middle of the page – (line begins: 'mayhakodem...') For text see below.

The mashpia/mentor reaches the mind of the student on the soul level. He brings the student's inner mind/sechel from deep concealment.

It is hard work to draw the mind/sechel out from its concealed state. The student goes to the master/mashpia and seeks to get to a new reality... to develop a new perspective... and this is what the mashpia bestows upon him.

The perspective of the mashpia cannot be transferred directly to the student... there is a fundamental difference. For the mashpia this reality is not a discovery – it is the level where he lives... he has it from the soul level.

The mentor, 'is who he is', not just because he knows more than the student. What the mentor tells the student becomes a basic reality. How? If it is based on sechel if wouldn't have this power. It becomes the reality for the student because it is based on the soul reality, which is deeper than sechel.

Sechel deals with definitions and limits. The reality above that is infinite.

To transfer sechel to the student the mentor must first limit the infinity of his own insight...

The kav that makes the world and the word of the mentor/mashpia remain attached to the infinity that preceded the contraction.

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