Tuesday, December 9, 2014

“Each Leaf” p:72(15)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 17 Kislev 5775 

Page 72(15)

Near top of the page – about 14th line – (line begins: 'ubemevuar...') For text see below.

We are discussing the point of 'the essence of light' (etzem ha-ohr), and saying that although light is a revelation, there is an essence element in light.

The principle element of Godliness is not that it creates world. It does not capture its principle identity.

Worlds are not essence. They are a functional/structural presence. But they do reveal light...

One can delve into the structure of the world, till you reach the end of it, and see it is based on truth... The structure of a table is not based on the floor and gravity, but rather on the human truth...

Torah and souls are rooted in the essence of the light.

There is untold variety in the world. Each leaf is unique. Each leaf is contained within the essence of what this tree can produce. There is no limit. And each leaf correctly represents this tree. And each leaf points to a slightly different aspect.

This is why we say that in Israel and souls is absolutely everything. This explains how the Torah was given to a small nation in the desert, yet is carried through into the present in a state of freshness and good health...!

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