Thursday, February 5, 2015

“Conception & Construction” p:4/3

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Shvat 5775 

Page 4 of pamphlet, Page 3 in the book (line begins: 'uka-asher...') For text see below.

We are looking at how will/ratzon is the intermediary between the Creator (essence) and the created. It connects the extremes. It brings the essential element into the lower levels...

His will is completely beyond world. So for the world to be brought into creation there had to be a preceding contraction/tzimtzum.

In the soul the meaning and significance of each thing, for example the table is conceived. To bring this down to a level where the table has to be built, the light has to be reduced, so you can see how it translates on worldly level. It originates in the will/ratzon, but to facilitate the construction of a table the light of the will/ratzon has to be removed.

World per se, lacks the element of essence. World is a composite. Each word is composed of separate letters. Each letter is call a 'stone' by the Zohar.

So despite the necessary tzimtzumim/contractions the higher will comes down into the lowest world. And by means of this will the world is created and maintained.

The First Being does not have any definitive presence, since He is above being created, He is truth beyond conception, He is not made and He has no components. This reality represents nothing and everything. It facilitates everything.

The initial will does not have an identity of will/ratzon. It is not based on 'I want', but on the fact that, 'I am real'. The arousal of the will means that it takes on the element of 'I want' and it has moved from 'nothing' to 'everything'.

And this level of 'everything' is a link between the higher 'nothing' and the world.

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