Thursday, February 19, 2015

“Fulfillment of Being” p:6/5

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Shvat 5775 

Page 6 of pamphlet, Page 5 in the book (line begins: 'velechen...') For text see below.

A theme over the last 2 pages... the Rebbe started about 1.5 pages ago saying the interrelationship of the faculties takes place only when they are in vessels...

In the vessels the faculties reveal themselves...

Here's a metaphor... a person has a home. And the home is not just a functional accommodation. The home elicits the personality of the owner. The soul of man comes to affect the world. This is where he finds his accomplishment and complement. Everything that exists is created by Him. That man was made by Him is 'part and parcel of what a human being is'.

A table is not just a structure. It represents a human spirit and the human intellect. That is the reality of the table. Even after it is fully built the human spirit is still present.

When the soul has a vessel it comes to full revelation. When a man has a place in the world he comes to full revelation, since this defines who he is. This is the fulfillment of his being...

Light you know only if you have sensitivity to it. Sight is unobtrusive.

Sechel/mind is also light... light of the soul... scientific logic is not sechel/mind – it is a chain of cause and effect in an empirical world. There is no soul to it. To sense light and sechel/mind you need great sensitivity... like the eye...

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