Sunday, February 1, 2015

“Not Just Here for The Beer” p:3/3

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Shvat 5775 

Page 3 of pamphlet, Page 3 in the book (line begins: 'hu...') For text see below.

We are looking at hisorarut/arousal of the will/ratzon.

The essence of the will pre-existed the arousal. The arousal does not create that quality in the source. The arousal creates a connection to the individual and the thing he is drawn to. This is as we discussed before that the will or crown is an intermediary, linking the individual and 'what he wants'.

We are talking about essence. Essence is beyond representation. We know of essence not due to sechel/mind, but because we have an essence. This is why we are able to speak of it. This is where mind/sechel rises above itself.

Sechel/mind can only understand things that are composites.

Something that essential cannot be grasped by sechel. The atom is a metaphor for this. No one dreamed what would happen if you split the atom.

We have an ongoing metaphor: the guest at his host's table. The essence of the situation is the host's presence. If he provides the guest with food and drink etc, but leaves then the guest has nothing... what is this nucleus? Only a host and guest of real human quality will experience this. A human being who lacks depth would not sense what would be lacking if the host leaves. To appreciate this one has to rise above any distractions and preoccupations and know, 'there is a reality to this human being and that's what I cherish more than anything else.'

You have to rise to the truth of your own presence.

You have to rise into your own truth.

This is far from the level of gilui/revelation and expression.

It touches the essence as it is unto himself.

It is inexplicable.

Oneg and ratzon are faculties, but without any particular design and function.

They are 'surrounding faculties'. Both oneg and ratzon are a koach makifi – that enables the other faculties. They tell us what the soul is.

Soul/nefesh is not owned by us. It is a constant flow from the source. It is not a stand-alone entity.

A metaphor for this is breathing. A flow of air is provided to us. There is an abundance and air pressure. We make space and air flows in. Life is being pushed into us continually. This is the experience of life. Anything else is just survival.

Everything in the world is a metaphor. They point to something higher.

The soul in a person means a human being's primary experience is life not body.

There has to be direct contact between the source and the recipient – and this contact is the soul. And the delight in this is the sense of the source. The One blowing life into me. One senses the reality of his own being.

The delight is the sense of the truth of the relationship between the host and the guest.

This is a representation of the truth of the soul itself – it is an overall faculty – a surrounding faculty – koach makifi.

It is all encompassing since it represents the truth.

It is not a revelation from the soul, it is a revelation of the soul.

Will and delight, do not represent themselves. They represent Him. He has given them a purpose. He makes man and makes him a ruler, one who affects the world and has an impact. The impact is undefined.

Both ratzon and tynug both appreciate and relate to the total reality. Oneg deals with it internally. And ratzon/will identifies it externally.

The sun rises. You can't stay in bed. How can I stay in bed when the world is alive. I am part of it. This is my domain.

A dog runs and there's a house, but the dog just sees an obstruction. The human being is in a totally different realm. To him the world is a Godly reality. When he sees something he says, 'Ha! Let me see the Godly reality in this?' - he sees the house, not an obstruction.

This perspective is from the soul of man. The soul is a real Godly creation. There is no mono dimensional existence – everything has a purpose – it is here for something and hence multidimensional. And this is what oneg and ratzon identify with.

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