Friday, February 20, 2015

“Soft Landing” p:6/5

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Shvat 5775 

Page 6 of pamphlet, Page 5 in the book (line begins: 'be-omek...') For text see below.

The faculties reveal themselves in direct reflection of the quality of the limb that serves as their vessel...

This is seen in the faculty of sight that is in the eye. It is according to the material of the eye. And all is reflective of spiritual sight.

And a positive and negative perspective is also reflective of the physical material of the eye. According to the mix and interplay of the blood and water/fluid in the organ of the eye so is the name Adam – a word made up of two parts – the aleph and dam (blood). To the extent the dam is modified by the aleph, so it the progress of the man.

One who is prone to anger by nature, or one who is quiet and restful by nature, this is due to the mix of 'water' and blood in the physical constitution of the body.

The limbs and organs are physical. The faculties are 'spiritual'.

The physicality of the body, needs to have life in it to prevent disintegration, yet we are saying it becomes a living body and you can touch it without relating to the life within it. Its need for vitality is concealed. You may even think it lives by itself. Human health, you may think is entirely a matter of physicality... the spirit of man is the principle of his health... and thereby the food and exercise benefit him correctly...

The faculties, like sight, hearing, emotions, mind etc are exclusively 'spiritual'.

And yet the limb/organ becomes a participant in how the faculty functions.

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