Sunday, February 8, 2015

“Soul Movement” p:5/3

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Shvat 5775 

Page 5 of pamphlet, Page 3 in the book (line begins: 'hinei...') For text see below.

We're saying that ratzon/will is a surrounding faculty. To get a better sense of this we are contrasting it with the way there are faculties that are imbued into their vessel. For example the faculty of movement is imbued into the hand...

Each faculty has its particular faculty.

The reason we can walk is because we can relate to moving from one place to another, and to covering every inch of the distance. Humans are not robots. A human being is personally involved in all that he does. Thus the sechel/mind can relate to movement.

The human being relates to the overall environment.

He does not walk on a narrow path.

An animal moves by instinct. A human being moves by consciousness and relates to the entire reality.

The animal is a living body. The human is life... in a body... He is primarily life. But this life is functioning in a body. His soul translates his life into a body setting.

Mind is an inner faculty (koach pnimi) – it is involved with the context.

A human being in the world is not in the world per se. He is here to elevate the world. This is sensed only in the brain and not in the hand. A reflection of this element is however dressed into the faculty of movement... the hand is told how to move. This is an ongoing miracle – that the physical is able to be guided in how to act in a Godly manner. God correlates ruchni/spiritual and chumri/material...

So if you sense what you have in sechel, you can go higher than sechel/mind.

When the world was created, there was 'nothing to it', till man was created and brought onto the scene. At that moment it has real significance. This is like the essence of sechel/mind.

The emotions of man, come from his sechel/mind... from his awareness of absolute reality. Be kind to your neighbor... why? The human emotions are not based on emotions. His kindness is based on the fact that his neighbor is a Godly creation.

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