Monday, February 2, 2015

“Stationary Movement” p:4/3

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Shvat 5775 

Page 4 of pamphlet, Page 3 in the book (line begins: 'siba...') For text see below.

For will and delight, there is the essential stage and then the active or aroused stage...

Ratzon/will, although consisting of a 'run', it has a non-functional identity – it is not running towards any object. This stationary movement is what allows for lower level functional movement.

When a man sits still he retains his faculty to walk. Thus when he gets up and walks he doesn't sense that this is a dramatic change from his previous state... it is not a fundamental change. This is unlike a car that is stationary – it lacks 'the urge to move'.

The ratzon is a constant state of movement that cannot be discerned. It is this will/ratzon that is the cause of lower arousal to move and do. This is the opposite of the worldly perspective, where human action is thought of as responses to external stimuli!

In truth everything is in a man's domain, so when he picks up and walks somewhere he is just revealing something he had inherently. 

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