Sunday, May 17, 2015

“Awakening Love & Awe” p:13/10

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Page 13 of pamphlet – (second half of the page. Line begins: 'vezeh-hu...'). Page 10 of the book. For text see below.

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We should think of 'pe-ulat hagilui' as the 'effect of revelation' as enabling us to perceive the revelation from a level where you cannot comprehend what it is about...

This is a different level of mind from that which is orientated to the worldly setting. Things in the world – such as a table – have a set origin and utility... you readily see its purpose...

The human being is not a beneficiary of the world. He came to be the benefactor of the world. He is here to bring to the world an element that it does not process... Chochmah/wisdom is his means to do this...

Sight is an allusion to chochmah. In sight too the manner you see is beyond experience... it puts you in touch with truth.

You see that the world has a Godly element and is not self-made. This is what chochmah relates to. This is initially atzilus and this supplied to the lower worlds – so there is ohr/light in the world...

Fear and awe is the actual sensing of the greatness of God. The fear and awe is not a human reaction to seeing something. It is a direct and real reaction to the reality of Godliness. Like on a much lower level taste is a direct response to the reality of spicy food.

We say sight is the result of our ability to relate to the Godly level of truth – that it is there because it is there.

The process of seeing (the workings of the optic nerve and the retina) is the bringing essence into the lower worlds – it is the way that great light can be brought into the world... The process is an intermediary – actual reality and the truth of things making itself available to us.

I see not because I am actively seeing, but because it is being shown to me – there is a Godly truth behind it and it is being presented to me by Him...!

There's a huge difference between looking into a room through a window in contrast to being inside the room... When inside you are part of the reality. This is the difference between the way chochmah/wisdom knows it in contrast to the lower faculties.

The Godly making of the world is what is sensed in chochmah.

The great thing about chochmah is that it reveals infinity (ohr ein sof) in a way that it can affect finitude (seder hishtalshalus).

It does this through its bitul/humilty. It experiences what it does without the need to self identify. It is not involved with personal experience. This is like seeing the sky. We see the sky and it is the context for reality, yet it is infinite and indescribable.

Chochmah is a keili/vessel for infinity.

The bitul/humility of chochmah is not self-effacement. It is rather like a man sitting with his rav/master. He is a full individual, but he allows his master's teaching to settle into his intelligence. It is his soul intelligence. Not the result of scrutiny and experiment.

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