Tuesday, May 26, 2015

“No Compare” p:15/11

No Compare” p:15/11 AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775

Page 15 of pamphlet – (1st line of the page. Line begins: 'u-be-torah-ohr...'). Page 11 of the book. For text see below.

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We are looking at how infinity is contained in creation.

In chochmah you have the Godly light. You have a presence, without seeing its source. You cannot see where it comes from. It is like something that you find, and it is not apparent where it came from...

The chochmah is an ha-arah, which is a functional reflection of the essence. The chochmah represents its source, but it is also independent from it. It does this due to its bitul/humility.

A person can own an object. And the ownership is reflective of him. But the object is independent. This is like a reflection/ha-arah of the person.

A person's relationship to his home is even more intimate than his relationship to the objects he owns. The home is more representative of the essence.

In chochmah you receive the real thing. And the reason you can receive it is because of bitul, not because you can take it...

This bitul is a chochmah element. This is not because chochmah is a non-entity. Chochmah has the wisdom of seeking to relate to that which is way above itself. This is the cause of its bitul – it knows there is value way beyond anything it can identify.

The worlds of biaya is closer to atzilus, than atzilus is to its source which is infinity (ohr ein sof). The human soul which is the source of all his wisdom, does not belong in the world, it is placed here by Him. It is from a completely different realm.

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