Thursday, May 21, 2015

“Reduced to Meat” p:14/11

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Page 14 of pamphlet – (3rd paragraph of the page. Line begins: 'hinay...'). Page 11 of the book. For text see below.

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The faculties are imbued into the limbs even though the faculty is on a completely different level from the limb or organ that contains it...

The faculties are able to dwell in and be revealed through the limbs because they have the original intent of having effect in the world (as opposed to just remaining 'unto themselves').

These faculties (sight, speech, movement etc) are the functional abilities of the soul – they are not the essence of the soul.

The faculty of walking originates in the soul – it is a real phenomenon of movement, and on the physical level it translates to a movement of the legs. The faculties contract themselves in order to be revealed on the lower, physical level.

Atzilus is an intermediary. It is united with the truth above it, but allows things to be identified at a lower level.

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