Friday, May 22, 2015

“See Reality; I and Thou” p:14/11

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Page 14 of pamphlet – (last third of the page. Line begins: 'mah-she-ein-ken...'). Page 11 of the book. For text see below.

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Every word counts. We need to know what things mean so we can see the significance of what follows.

The master and student are on different levels. The student receives what his master says and then thinks at his (the rav's/master's) level. The student needs to not take what is said in his own terms.

The world of atzilus emanates from Him. It is literally Godliness. It exists due to Godliness.

And yet Atzilus is not in any way in proximity to Essence.

This is like the phenomena of 'light' and 'day'. 'Day' means there is no darkness and 'there is no way you cannot see this...' By contrast 'light' overcomes darkness, and has a limited focus. They are incomparable even though they have the same effect.

This is like 'chochmah comes from nowhere'. This means that relative to essence, chochmah is a 'something'. It comes suddenly like a fleeting spark. It appears on the scene with no basis. You cannot grab it. Its job is to tell you about the essence/nothing. Light we can understand. A flash or the day element is beyond understanding – it cannot be grasped or replicated.

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