Wednesday, May 20, 2015

“Water & Light” p:14/10

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Page 14 of pamphlet – (2nd line of the page. Line begins: 'chochmah...'). Page 10 of the book. For text see below.

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Chochmah relates to that which is given to it, rather than to what it identifies with its own faculties, and in this way it is a vessel for infinity (ohr ein sof).

Chochmah of atzilus is the first place Godliness is recognized in a vessel.

The vessels of atzilus reveal their contents.

They are fitting vessels to receive the light, even though the light is infinite. And the light illuminates and comes into full expression in them. The light relates to the vessels and expresses itself to the fullest.

Faculties are dressed into various limbs even though they are qualitatively different from each other. This happens due to the fact that the faculties are pnimi'im/functional from inception and want to accomplish and get things done. This means that they are only soul faculties and not the essential light of the nefesh.

The soul/nefesh is unto itself, but the faculties/kochot are inherently focussed outwardly and are concerned with 'getting things done'.

The faculties contract themselves to be in the way of a limited light (bechinat ohr pnimi).

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