Thursday, May 14, 2015

“With or Without You” p:13/10

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Chutney in South Africa, Cape Town

Page 13 of pamphlet – (at 9th line of the page. Line begins: 'ofen hakeili...'). Page 10 of the book. For text see below.

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The light is dressed/enclothed in the vessel. There is a unity. The light has the power of essence. This is the origin of creation.

Creation is from Essence. Creation implies bringing about a 'stand-alone' entity that does not seem to refer to its source. It seems to exist independently. And this cannot come from light/ohr since it has the quality of 'coming from its source'.

The light comes from essence. And if creation came just from light there there would not be a yesh (self-standing entity).

So the light is dressed in a vessel, which is a metziut.

And this dressing of the light in the vessel is in a state of revelation. The lights reveal themselves in the vessels. This is phenomenal...! The light is not in a state of confinement. It is in a state of revelation.

This is because the vessels are nullified to the lights. The vessels say, 'don't pay attention to me, its all about the lights.'

The vessels are fit to receive the lights. They have a means to express the lights. And the light says, 'the main thing about me is the ability to express the light. Its not about me.' The vessel points away from itself.

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