Sunday, June 7, 2015

“Light A Fire” p:16/12

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Page 16 of pamphlet – (7th line from end of the page. Line begins: 'ohr ein sof...'). Page 12 of the book. For text see below.

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Despite the physical metaphors we have for light in vessels, yet still the truth of the matter is only true in our intellect. It does not have a physical manifestation.

And the intellect gets this insight from the soul/neshamah.

And what is meant by 'the neshamah'? The soul is beyond understanding... but we can say, 'it is something provided from above. We don't come to it by stumbling upon it or by experimentation.'

Soul/nefesh does not exist, but for the fact that there is Source for it. It is not an entity unto itself. It is a living element, representing the Source of life.

The Rambam says the first principle of all intellect is to know there is a First Being. Everything in our world had a means by which it came to be. The First Being is beyond that scope.

We sense this. We have life and don't know from where it comes. It is so real. More real than anything you can discover with your sechel/mind. We rely on Him to keep us alive.

A vessel is able to go into the lake and bring out water to drink. The cup is like the intermediary – the means by which infinity comes to us... this is a gross metaphor, but we are speaking to our intellect.

The intermediary connects the highest level to the lowest.

An intermediary can relate to the infinity and bring it down to the finite level. Atzilus has this ability.

Atzilus connects ohr ein sof (essence) and world.

The ohrot/lights are that which emanate directly from essence. The keilim/vessels are what can contain them and reveal the functional element.

The vessels can relate to limit and definition.

And you cannot say He can work only in the infinite realm and not in the area of limit and definition, then you are limiting His completeness. He is equally present in infinity and finitude.

One who has limited vision often has greater acuity in the sense of hearing. This additional acuity is not the ear per se – it is the faculty of hearing, which is rooted in the soul itself.

The intellect solicits from the soul... and says, 'I need to know what's going on. I need to orientate on the functional level' and the soul responds via the various functioning faculties, and says, 'here know this. I will help you hear and smell better...'

This is to say the soul is here in the world and relates to the world and wants to accomplish things and brings out faculties that will facilitate this.

The soul lights a fire. It has the purpose of warming and enlivening the whole body.

This is true of our soul. And this is true of ohr ein sof!

This is the way the infinite soul is providing for the practical defined world...

We travel distance one step at a time. The soul is above distance and unites all points. The way to make it happen is 'step by step' – this is the vessel.

The world doesn't 'just exist'. All is His creation. This means there is intention and meaning behind it. 'Time' is what provides for accomplishment - it is not nothingness. And what is there to accomplish? It is that which comes from the soul – 7 midot, and eternity is where all the faculties are inter-included – 7 x 7 – so this is a kind of eternity...

This is God's world and there are definitions for things...

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