Monday, June 8, 2015

“Rock Steady” p:16/12

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Page 16 of pamphlet – (6th line from end of the page. Line begins: 'atah...'). Page 12 of the book. For text see below.

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Each faculty has a specific location. The faculty is speech is revealed specifically in the mouth.

But we don't say, 'his mouth is speaking', we say 'he is speaking'. And this is the correct way to describe what's happening.

If you see a man walking you see the world of intellect and the world of body. The intellect descends, and unites with the body, so the feet respond and help with 'getting there'. The feet have no comprehension regarding why he is moving.

So too above, the ohrot are the lights that correspond to the level of sechel/mind/purpose. And the vessels/keilim correspond to the physical elements.

Keilim/vessels are the means by which specific functionality is identified in something that is infinite.

A rock is steady, not because it grabbed a certain position, but because God places it this way.

We learn and perceive with the intellect. The principle reality of the intellect is not observation and experimentation. It looks to the source. The First Being that creates all. And so the rock represents the work of Him, who gives it a place and a presence.

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