Wednesday, July 22, 2015

“Clash of Light” p:21/15

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Tammuz 5775 

Page 21 of pamphlet – (At about middle of the page. Line begins: 'be-orech...'). Page 15 of the book. For text see below.

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We are saying that vessels have 2 sources - the functional and the basis of the vessel. The basis is from the reshimu. The functional element is from the ohr/light.

Light is connected to source. The source is what initiates presence. The initializing quality means that something exists on a higher level. This is contrary to the worldly or evolutionary view, where each development is circumstantial. This is inherently negative, where all is fighting for survival...

This is not the truth.

Nothing is concerned about survival, because God creates it and gives it a presence.

This is the element of source – where the infinity element is sensed.

You get married for a positive reason. It is a recognition of human reality.

Sunlight illuminates the world, to the extent that darkness is banished. Light to the sun is of the same fundamental reality as darkness to the earth.

This is the significance of being connected to the source.

This is gilui – revelation of the reality itself.

And vessels are of the 'hidden faculty', but in actuality the creation of vessels is also from light.

This is to say, the concept of a vessel is of the hidden realm, but to make one, light is involved.

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