Tuesday, July 14, 2015

“Concealed Vitality; Get Up, Stand Up” p:20-21 / 15

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Tammuz 5775 

Page 20 of pamphlet – (At last line from end of the page. Line begins: 'mizad atzmu...'). Page 15 of the book. For text see below.

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We are saying that the vessels, although from the tzimtzum/reshimu itself – ie from concealment, not light, nevertheless there is vitality/chayut to them. This is a concealed type of vitality.

What gets a person out of bed? A concealed vitality. You may say, I slept enough and now I get myself up. But this is not the truth. It is a spirit beyond our sechel/mind that get us up. It is not something coming naturally from ourselves – it is a blessing from Him.

Now think of light and vessel. The light of sechel/mind will not get you out of bed. There is a different level of reality that gets you up. The actual 'getting up' is the vessel – it is the culmination at the practical level. And it is not caused by the sechel/mind.

The reshimu/trace is the imprint from a different reality. It is this trace that remains when a man is lying drunk in the gutter denying his humanity. It always remains.

It is from this trace that can be drawn the entire human being.

Sechel is not an initiator. It guides the action, but cannot initiate it. The sechel provides definition to the action, but cannot initiate it.

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