Thursday, July 16, 2015

“Hold Onto The Sky” p:21/15

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Tammuz 5775 

Page 21 of pamphlet – (At 4th line of the page. Line begins: 'dereshimu...'). Page 15 of the book. For text see below.

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We are looking at vessels (in contrast to light) and how they are rooted in the reshimu/trace.

The live the vessel receives comes to it in a concealed manner.

The reshimu is a concealed faculty. It does not come with revelation and light. It does not come in a way of closeness to the source. Closeness to the source, results in the presence of light.

The meal is identical if the host is present or absent, but if the host is not there it makes no sense. A buffet is less personal then served portions, and that's why guests are served at a wedding. The relationship to the source/host is primary.

The presence of the host corresponds to light and revelation. This is because he gives not just the meal but a personal reason and relationship.

The host can initiate.

His initiation is proof of ohr and gilui (light and revelation).

The host gives meaning to the setting – to the home.

Vessels are there as if 'by happenstance', except there is a source for them. You can tell it has a reason, but it is on a local level, as opposed to the bigger picture. A small candle will light a whole room – light relates to the context, as opposed to the vessel that retains a limited purpose.

Which is more compelling in terms of a message – in terms of reality – the furnished room, or the empty room?

The empty room touches you on a deeper level.

You look at the sky, but it is not emptiness. He says, “don't say you are looking at emptiness! It is My creation you see!” - this is the statement Breishit bara Elokim et shamayim v' ha-aretz, which has practical impact on our lives.

We stand because we hold onto the sky. Onto Him. We cannot stand based on earth. The human stance is not 'natural'.

The earth is not a planet. It is a home for humans. The sun is not a ball of fire; it is created to make light...

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